"What Does Christmas Mean To You?"
Today's scripture reading witches burned on the back of your Boston. taken from portion of the second chapter of The Gospel, According to Luke, In those days, Cesar, I guess this issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. How this was the first census that took place Walker, idiots was governor of Syria. And everyone went to their own town to register. I'll change that. Everyone every man is supposed to come. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, to Judea to Bethlehem the town of David because he belonged to the house in line of David. He went there to register with Mary who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be delivered. Bored. And she gave birth to her first born son. She wrapped him and calls and placed him in a Manger because there is no guest room available for them. And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flock by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord Shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them. Do not be afraid. I bring you good news, that will cause great. Joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you. You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a Manger. May the Lord that his richest blessing to this reading of his word and together. Let us confirm our face and he who truly is the Lord of all life. I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living, God shall we pray?
How much loving God? Father, we come before you this day with hearts filled with love and rejoicing because of the expectations we have in this Christmas season. We pray that this might be a time when all of our senses are tuned in to the needs of others about this. Including those in surrounding areas, who lost resources this past week, do the Raging grass fires? All I know there are areas or those who lost lives or how much damage due to other storms. This all serves to remind us that we'd certainly do live in a fallen world. Mankind has been ever since Adam and Eve broke their agreement with you. Help us to continue. He would pray as well. Father, for those families who will have loved ones serving abroad this season. So, maybe your blessings be upon us. All and may, we entered be a blessing toward each other. These things were asking, Jesus, most. Holy and precious name.
Yeah, it's Lord's. Day provides us with the opportunity to be reminded. Of the sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf. Imagine yourself to be one of his disciples. You had you had visited the holy city. A few days before. And had done something to get never been done before.
Usually when they came to Jerusalem. Yeah, that kind of walked in like everyone else this time, Jesus insisted on riding on a donkey. I don't know where they ask, why or not. Davis different. And then they notice all the people ahead of parade people were shouting and waving banners and throwing confetti and doing all this good stuff. And shouting something about the Messiah. Hosanna to God in the highest. They were confused, but they were excited. Shirley. This is the time that we've been waiting on. We've been, we've been talkin about. When we serve, in the president's cabinet.
Lord have mercy.
That will have these particular department and course, June is going to be the treasurer.
They didn't know what to make of it. And then I knew he was in there. Firing out the temple, they'd never seen him outrage like that. The whole week was a little bit mysterious, but then the last night of his life. They had celebrated the Passover ancient ceremony. And they just said to them. From now on. Every time you eat the unleavened bread. I wanted to. recalled, you my body. Is being broke is going to be broken for you. And when you drink that cup of wine, let it remind you of the blood. It will be shed for the sins of mankind.
I'm not sure what they thought.
Probably thought he had too much wine, but still it was only after the crucifixion. And the resurrection. That Sunday at daughter, this is what he was talking about.
And they began everytime two of them were together behind locked doors, of course.
They would remember that moment. By breaking the bread taking the cup. And they said, it seemed as though, his Spirit, was there with them at that moment? So it is in this month that we invite all who claim him as Lord and Savior to remember him to celebrate him in this way.
Our heavenly father, we come before you this morning to give you the glory to sing your praises and give you thanks for the blessings. You give us. We're so thankful for all you do for us on a daily basis. My Hope and prayer is that we are disturbing. As we come to your table this morning, we pray that we remember the sacrifice that your son Jesus made for us and the cross. As we take of these emblems, symbols of Jesus's, broken body and shed blood. May your Holy Spirit move Among Us. With some ministers, you bring your message to us. We asked you that you lay your healing hands, upon all those, so hip. I've never had Devastation in their life. This past weekend, in Jesus name, we pray.
Grizzly, father manipulation. We are you be with us this coming week and help us do the right thing in your side, special blessing, all the people who were affected by the tornadoes that fires and everything else. Reaction to blessed gift in the giver and pray. Amen.
Red Ball. Z people everywhere.
My favorite quartet and a beautiful beautiful. I love that song. Y'all did a great job. And Mark appreciates. What you've been doing last couple of Sundays in the Advent candle. So, today's the third candle that we lights, call the Shepherds candle. We're all familiar with the role that the shepherd's played in The Christmas Story. We know they're out on the hillside overlooking, the quiet Village of Bethlehem, Mighty their own business, when an angel appeared to them and told them. And unbelievable story. They thought they were back in Texas here in something wild. Hell. Can you imagine how frightened they must have been? The words, conveyed by this heavenly messenger. So the Shepherds that some of them felt compelled to do something about it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone responded positively? All of them could not have gone, but some of the Dead. So going into the village of Bethlehem, they found it overflowing with visitors, who had come because of the census. There was much hustle and bustle, much noise with all the families there, and so forth, but they had come to find one person. That one, the Angels had told them that I didn't board. They found him when they returned, they could not help, but tell others what it was, they found. So as we like this Shepherd candle, let it be a reminder for us to be witnesses to all the world about us. To let our light shine into a darkened world.
That's leaking near the day.
Do you remember what it's like when you were a kid at Christmas time?
I had two older brothers. And eventually three younger sisters. I think we were spread over about a Can your. No 14 year. But anyway?
Christmas was a special time for us. We, we were like most people. We didn't have much. We had a my mother's father lived about 30 miles from where we did. Alone, elderly, man. But he bought our Christmas.
He bought her something special every year. X-ray boys always got matching outfits for they were Cowboys suits. Or I remember one year. We look like a bunch of gangsters with each head suits, and a hat on and a tie, and my daughter loves that picture. Wonder why. But, you know, it was such an exciting card from Thanksgiving to Christmas was in the eternity.
And we could hardly wait the night before Christmas. We three boys, slept upstairs, and no frame house.
We never had to go to the restroom as many times as we did that night. And every time we come back, yeah, I don't know that any of us ever slept but would have to say I saw. They said that they're there under there. And then we grew up. As adults, it's different.
Regulators some of that exciting, it. I, I got spanking. I'm River. I would always get up early, just give her the kids were little. Get up early on Christmas morning. I go in in the living room and and plug in the Christmas lights.
A tape recorder shut off these recording these cassettes every Christmas, so we could remember all of it so far. I just can't remember what I did with him. I had no idea.
And I put on Christmas music. And then go wake up the kids and we have here, all this excitement, you know back then you probably you ladies. Remember when you made these bows had these plastic pins sticking them in a package. Jelly's first language pop that bowl off. So you could always hear the pump and then the terror of the paper tear in and all the squeals. It's a different experience as a child or it is Adele. But you know, we know that Christmas is really more than all of that. It's more than lighted. Trees are beautifully decorated packages. Keeping more than what's contained in the packages. I tried to get my kids this year. I said let's just let's just have Christmas together and don't buy anything.
Who needs anyting?
They didn't like that idea, but Yeah, we'll have all this stuff and then the course you have the delicious food that the mothers making we all gain about 10 lb. But that's enough. Christmas is it?
I tried to write little definition of description of Christmas.
I've been struggling, baby.
I remember I had a Psychology Professor run time until about Tiffany's. His grandson grandson wanted something and he said, no, you can't have it. We're going to eat dinner soon. He said I'll just hold my breath then. And why is he say wait time? You see how long you can do it? Course that didn't last very long.
If you think about time.
I've done.
This for 62 years.
I got to talk and carefree in the other day. Mitchell. Edgar Stadium.
And I couldn't help, but cry.
Syracuse me.
Christmas itself is the day, when God intervened in the history of, man, in a singularly unique way, sending his son to Earth in the form of a human infant. Born of a virgin in and out of the way, stable away from prying eyes. The sun we know is Jesus of Nazareth the Christ.
Exodus description of wrote, you know, Think about it. We live in the day where you cannot turn on a radio or TV, or pick up a paper or a leaflet without something being advertised, right?
How much was the birth of Jesus advertised?
Who is Thoth?
A few Shepherds.
I told you it was not on the time 2:00 news.
Nobody knew.
In our scripture reading and in this talking about the Shepherds candle, they couldn't wait to go. See and so forth. But what if they could?
Sometimes I ask a person to do something for me and said we get busy. We do it later or something. So Shepherds. Yeah, these were special Shepherds. They were escaping the Kings sheep. Not the king. The the temples cheap, so, their job is important. What if? They had just enjoyed the show and said now wasn't that wonderful. And turned over and go to sleep.
Who else would have known?
They had a responsibility.
Christmas cane. And I don't know how much they shed spread the news, but it came.
But it was a fall before the world realized that Christmas came, right? And what happened when they did? When the world realize that Christmas came.
so, did What we called? Good Friday. I called bad tray. Bad get nailed to the cross. They couldn't send it. Thank about some of the people.
Bible tells us that hair. It. The.
Roland representative in that area.
Issues in order to kill all baby, boys, 2 years and younger.
Why? Why 2 years and younger?
Because it was at least probably two years before he knew anything about it. How did he learn about it?
Richmond, how many wise men were there?
Oh, come on.
We don't know. Bible doesn't say how many there were. Some of the Contemporary writers say, it's there must have been a hundred in this group of people because they had not only the wise, men, but servants, and cooks. And, and, and guards. In fact, one Rider said, they had to probably be a hundred guards with him. I don't know, but they made an impression when they came into Jerusalem.
And they wanted to know.
Where this Messiah was? Well, Harry didn't know, but he wanted to. And when you didn't find out, what do you do? He issues this edict. Why two years because it probably took him two years to get there.
They didn't have any mass transit at that time. 2 years. Yellow suckers.
And then he had had a problem with two other groups right? River the old Pharisees and the Sadducees.
I will tell you this story.
Friend of mine told me this long time ago. Is a member of our neighbor church, and he said it's group of dude. People that just arrived, it heavier, than they were being showing around on a guided tour bus by Saint Peter, and they were going down the hall and he said that, everybody be very quiet.
And they wear them down the hall. And finally, he said, okay, now you can speak again and they said, why did we have to be so quiet?
and he said, At room up there for Church of Christ people and they think they're the only ones here Church of Christ guy told me that. So I guess it's okay to say it. But the other Pharisees and Sadducees hated each other. They were totally different. They couldn't agree on hardly anything. Until they had a common enemy.
Where do they get the common enemy? What did Jesus do after? He was welcomed into this wonderful City with all these Hosanna to God in the highest? He went down and flipped up on those money changers in the temple. And you said, y'all are bunch of centers? You've turned God's house. Into a second Monday.
Did they join forces now? They had a common enemy.
And they took care of them.
Christianity began. Easter morning, really. We say it again on Pentecost, but After the resurrection things began to change.
Problem for a while.
But something happened, not too long. After Jesus was crucified and Resurrected.
And before you knew it. These people call the people of the way. Began telling other people. I know that we never tell secrets. We never tell stuff we here at the Dairy Queen or anything, but they did. But they have to be quiet about it. Had to be careful. But people heard about it. And they began to well make it uncomfortable for some of those people.
For a. Of time, the church began to change.
It became a Human Institution.
Do you remember the the man named Martin Luther? Give her the Martin Luther. Story of Martin Luther is a siding. Long time. But he knew something was wrong.
The church wasn't, right? Something was bad. And it wasn't supposed to be this way, but he didn't know what it was and they kept telling Martin. Just keep your mouth shut. That's what they told me. Every day in school. Just keep your mouth. Shut. I didn't do that. I was very quiet.
the time that he said, They gave him a choice.
You can either shut up.
Or stay in the church. I'm sorry. Or get out of the church. It's your choice.
That list was the end of about A6. After 26 weeks, your 6-month trial.
He finally stood up and said.
What I have said. Abscess. I will not recant. Here, I stand.
At that moment.
Church began to have new life. There are those who believe what Luther said, he began having the Bible that nobody owned. He had it printed in the course. He would. Germany had to print in the German language and gave it to people where they could read it for themselves.
It was an exciting time. But, you know, we still live in the time when people are trying to get rid of this called the Breath of God. Yeah, we want to we want to promote, man. And not God. When the back in the early sixties we got into the Space Race. I was fascinated Force. I was in science at that time. It was wonderful. I could hardly wait for Buck Rogers and all of this, you know, if it's going to be great.
The longer. It goes. We're trying to explain and we're doing. We have sub atomic microscopes so we can look at little things and so far.
and Perhaps, Perhaps it simply to say, Where is smartest? God is?
We know all this stuff.
Maybe that's why we're called atheist or agnostic.
And then there's a church divisions. Why do we have church different divisions? Why do we have denominations? I can't, we just be Christians. People do things differently. Every time I go to a A church in a different denomination. I feel different. It's just not the same.
Not that they're wrong. It's just different. But there are those that get carried to extremes so forth. When I came here. Back in the 1800s.
The school had a policy that there could be no activities on Wednesdays after 4.
And there were no activities on Sundays.
Well. That's not true. In the longer they can do about whatever they want to the rationale in the beginning was so that churches could have their meetings and so forth. I'm here, talking to a former student, a few years ago now. And I talked about ask her about the different. She had two daughters both in in high school or Junior High that time. And I said though. Something about 20. She said, something back and her daughters were participating in these beasts activities athletic events so far and they're always go somewhere on the weekend and I thought about it a minute. I said, well, when you were their age You went to church every Sunday. Yes, but she said, you know, if they don't do this they probably won't get into college and all. Out. Just rationalization.
Doing something. And we wondered what happened to the church.
I sent you her about Christmas. You will remember the story of the Grinch ride. What color is the Grinch?
Great. I don't know why it was great. But it was. The Grinch, the Grinch tried to steal Christmas, right? He got tired of all that celebrating and people singing. They weren't singing Silent Night, whatever they were saying Joy to the World, maybe and he didn't like it. So he went down and he stole every sign of Christmas from the people in the village.
And yet the next morning when they all got up, what did they do? They gathered outside and saying Christmas songs if I remember correctly. He hadn't stopped Christmas from coming. And so ended up, I think you said his heart. So many sizes that day and he went back and returned all the the gifts to the kids and people in Whoville
He tried to keep Christmas from coming. Maybe maybe the world simply has too many glitches.
You know where the largest church in the world is today? It's not in, Texas.
South Korea.
There's a church in South Korea, has 1 million members.
I don't remember how many services they have. Every weekend, it's constant and people come. I had a friend years ago who was a missionary in Africa, and he said, I'm always amazed people show up. To church, they may have been walking through the jungle for two days.
Just come, but they come to church.
I said, imagine that in America.
It's different.
We have choices as Christians. We have to choose which needed to be like the Grinch or the villagers. We can do the try to kill the spirit of Christmas or we can celebrate it.
I have about 20 more minutes to stuff. I was going to share with you, but I want to quit. always said, I
20 minutes is long enough for anybody to take a nap. So I will stop there or just to talk to you. I don't know that we'll have a good time. I hope it's very gracious. God. We thank you for this opportunity. Father. We're so grateful for the for you, and for the son whom we celebrate. Help us to get over. Our humanness help us, to become your people. Help us to help the world to become excited. About being closer to you. And forget all the petty policies that divide us and the hatreds that we have. May your love come into all of our hearts. In Christ's name, we pray on it.
I should always be a song in the air. Let's sing. The first verse is a hobble Alton.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace now and forevermore.